🌏 2024教科文組織國際青年大會於2024年11月29日至12月1日在菲律賓公主港市舉行,來自世界各地的400個教科文組織俱樂部、中心和協會的青年代表匯聚一堂,以「通過教科文組織的倡議賦能社區行動:促進科學、技術、文化、創造力和終身學習」為主題,展開積極對話與合作,以促進教科文組織的使命和聯合國可持續發展目標 UNSDGs。

🌏 The International Assembly of Youth for UNESCO 2024 was held from November 29 to December 1, 2024 at the Puerto Princesa City in the Philippines, bringing together 400 UNESCO clubs, centres, and associations around the world for youth dialogue and collaborations on the theme of “Empowering Communities through UNESCO Initiatives: Advancing Science and Technology, Culture, Creativity, and Lifelong Learning.” to promote UNESCO’s mandate and the Sustainable Development Goals.

💪🏻 香港聯合國教科文組織協會綠色公民青年大使(GCYA)作為來自香港特別行政區的青年代表出席了會議,發表「青年推動可持續發展:香港聯合國教科文組織協會綠色公民青年大使項目」的實踐分享,在國際平台展現香港青年推動可持續發展的行動,獲專業評審的認可,榮獲【最佳報告獎】。

💪🏻 The UNESCO Hong Kong Association Green Citizens Youth Ambassadors (GCYA) represented delegates of the Hong Kong SAR to attend the conference, delivering the presentation “Youth are the leading force for Sustainable Development: Insights from the UNESCO Hong Kong Association Green Citizens Youth Ambassadors Project”, to share Hong Kong youth’s SDGs actions on this international platform. The presentation won the appreciation by expert judges and has received the best oral presentation award.

❤ GCYA在大會中與各地區聯合國教科文組織的青年代表積極交流,參與問答挑戰、主題論文比賽項目、文化表演等,為促進國際間青年文化交流及推動可持續發展的青年協作注入新活力,創造新機遇。

❤ The GCYA representatives reached out to youths representatives from UNESCO organisations of different regions, actively participated in quiz challenges, thematic essay writing and culture performances, creating new opportunities and energy for international youth cultural exchange and collaboration in promoting sustainable development.

陳思樺 Americana、何浩賢 Anson、何子熠 Pagiel、陳堃頤 Kelly、胡仕楠 Kenny

UNESCO Hong Kong Association Green Citizens Youth Ambassadors representatives at the conference:
Americana Chen Sze Wa
Anson Ho Ho Yin
Kelly Chan Kwan Yee
Kenny Woo Shi Nam
Pagiel He Tsz Yuk
*Special acknowledgement is given to the World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners for providing generous sponsorship for the UNESCO HKA GCYA representatives

🎤 青年代表們將於2024年12月14日舉行分享會,與香港的專業人士、學生及青年分享他們在會議上的所見所得。
📅 日期:2024年12月14日
🕥 時間:上午10:30 – 12:00
📌 地點:香港新界沙田大圍豐石街1號愛國主義教育中心3樓
👉🏻 語言:粵語
🆓 費用:免費


The GCYA representatives are thrilled to share their experiences at the conference and insights learnt from other international participants with audiences in Hong Kong.

📅 Date: December 14, 2024
🕥 Time: 10:30am – 12:00nn
📌 Venue: 3/F, Patriotic Education Centre, No.1 Fung Shek Street, Tai Wai, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong
👉🏻 Language: Cantonese
🆓 Registration Fee: Free
Register Now: https://forms.gle/bnjbZ5rq8e6RWJQM8



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