UNESCO HKA seeks to facilitate Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and international cooperation through Education, Sciences, Culture and Propagation . UNESCO HKA is the member of the Chinese National Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (CNFUCA), as well as a regional reporting member of United Nations Global Compact. UNESCO HKA is a charitable institution under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. (IRD Ref No. 91/10053)
President's Introduction
The 4th & 5th President of UHKA BOD
Professor Karen Q. Cheung
- President of UNESCO Hong Kong Association;
- Director of Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development;
- Vice President of the Chinese Academic Committee of UN PRME (UN Principles for Responsible Management Education);
- Executive Director (HK) of National Working Committee for UNESCO Project on ESD;
- Executive Director of China Education and Sustainable Development Think Tank;
- Visiting Professor of the South China Normal University Education Development Higher Research Institution of The Greater Bay Area;
- Adviser on Strategic Development for Interdisciplinary Research Center of AI and Curriculum Education, South China Normal University;
- Founding Member of Hong Kong Professionals and Senior Executives Association;
- Director of Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers;
- President of World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners;
- Co-President (HK) of the Executive Management Committee of China Institute for Responsible Management Education and Sustainable Development
- Visiting Professor of Changzhou University
- The Member of Academic Development Advisory Committee of the Professional Committee for Educational Cooperative Development in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, The Guangdong Society of Education
- Honorary President of Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage Association
Prof. Cheung is a Bachelor of Business Administration, a Master of International Trade, a Ph.D of Industrial Economics. She is a Certified Risk Planner, Senior Member of Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (1996-2014) , Senior Fellow of World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners and Certified Sustainable Development Planner (CSDP).
Prof. Karen Cheung has been engaged in asset management, risk management and industrial operation and development since 1991, and has actively participated in the construction of development zones and new urban areas. She has successfully completed international investment promotion, overseas financing, industrial restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, etc. In 1998, as the director of the China Representative Office of the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada (1998-2014), Prof. Cheung has carried out international accounting qualification certification with over 20 universities in China, including Tsinghua University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, University of International Business and Economics, Nankai University, Jinan University etc. She has served as the financial development consultant of Shanghai Pudong Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park (1998-2003), the R&D consultant of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone (2000-2005), and the Luliang Municipal Government of Shanxi Province (2017-present).
Since 2002, Prof. Cheung has devoted herself to the research and development of UNESCO’s education for sustainable development, and actively planned and promoted education for sustainable development projects. She was the MBA visiting professor at the School of Real Estate, Zhuhai Branch of Beijing Normal University (2004-2006), deputy director of the China-Hong Kong Cooperation Center of the Institute of Public Policy, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2007-2009). Her professional fields and research directions include lifelong learning and sustainable development education, monitoring and evaluation, sustainable development planning and governance, innovative teaching, social sciences.
Presided over more than ten international and domestic research projects, including the National Development and Reform Commission’s “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” project (2010), the Ministry of Education’s comprehensive research into “China’s Sustainable Development Education Innovation Practice”《中國可持續發展教育創新實踐》 (Editor: Chen Xiaoya) (2009), she has published more than 40 papers in domestic and international academic forums and journals (1 patent, 6 software copyrights, and 9 books), including “Sustainable Development Planning” ISBN 978-988-79581-0-9 (2019), UN75 Dialogue Booklet “UN 75 Dialogue – Hong Kong Story” ISBN 978-988-79581-6-1 (2020), “UNESCO World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage Hong Kong School-Based Curriculum Casebook”《聯合國教科文組織世界遺產及非物質文化遺產香港校本課程案例手冊》 ISBN 978-988-75669-2 -2 (2021), “Carbon Literacy and Low Carbon Lifestyle” ISBN 978-988-75669-4-6 (2022), etc.
Prof. Cheung also enthusiastically participates in social welfare, environmental and ecological conservation, and practices civic social responsibility. She actively supports the China Children and Teenagers’ Fund, sponsoring out-of-school girls and impoverished college students every year. In 2000, she was appointed as Honorary Director of the China Children and Teenagers’ Fund; in 2002, she was awarded the “Charity and Caring Person”「慈善愛心人士」 in the first “China Children’s Charity Day”「中國兒童慈善活動日」, and was named “China Children’s Charity Monument”「中國兒童慈善功德碑」 on the Great Wall of China Badaling; in 2006, she received the “Women’s World Excellence Awards – Social Services” from “the Women’s World”; in 2012, she was selected as “China’s Top Ten Outstanding Management Figures”; in 2013, she was awarded “Education for Sustainable Development Pioneer Award” from the China National Commission for UNESCO ; in 2018, she was selected as “Chinese Education for Sustainable Development Outstanding Contributor” by the UNESCO China National Working Committee and in the same year, she led the Hong Kong Institute of Sustainable Development Education (HiESD) to be awarded the “Most influential region of China’s 20 Years of Education for Sustainable Development.”, and won the “Most Influential Region in the 20 Years of Sustainable Development Education in China” for Hong Kong.
The 3rd President of UHKA BOD
Mr. Darwin Chen (SBS)
Former President of UNESCO Hong Kong Association
Former Director of Cultural Services of the HK Government
Former Chairman of the HK Arts Development Council
The 1st & 2nd President of UHKA BOD
Prof. Patrick Lau
Former President of UNESCO HONG KONG Association
Past President of the HKIA
Honorary Professor & Former Head/Professor of Architeture at University of HK