Celebration of International Day of Peace

Photo Competition


Award List

The Global Goal Award
  • Grade 1 : S.K.H. St. Peter’s Primary School
  • Grade 2 : Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Division
  • Grade 3 : Hong Kong Tang King Po College
The Most Participative Organisation Award
  • St. Paul’s Secondary School
  • S.K.H. Ma On Shan Holy Spirit Primary School
  • Fukien Secondary School Affiliated School
  • Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Division
The Most Creative Award
  • Grade 1 : S.K.H. St. Peter’s Primary School
  • Grade 2 : Parsons Music Academy
  • Grade 3 : Hong Kong Tang King Po College
Participating schools and organisations (schools / organisations in alphabetical order)
  • Delia Memorial School (Broadway)

  • Diocesan Boys’ School

  • Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Division

  • Discovery Mind Primary School

  • Fukien Secondary School Affiliated School

  • HHCKLA Buddhist Chan Shi Wan Primary School

  • Hong Kong Tang King Po College

  • Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong

  • Parsons Music Academy

  • Po Leung Kuk Anita L. L. Chan (Centenary) School

  • S.K.H. Crown of Thorns Church Sadick Kindergarten

  • S.K.H. St. Peter’s Primary School

  • S.K.H. St.James’ Primary School

  • S.K.H. Tak Tin Lee Shiu Keung Primary School

  • Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School (West Kowloon)

  • SKH Lui Ming Choi Memorial Primary School

  • SKH Ma On Shan Holy Spirit Primary School

  • SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School

  • St. Catharine’s School For Girls

  • St. Paul Convert School (Secondary Seation)

  • St. Paul’s Secondary School

  • Tuen Mun Government Secondary School

The Global Goals Award: Grade 1

The Most Creative Award: Grade 1

S.K.H. St. Peter’s Primary School

We have organized different activities in the theme of peace to promote equality of opportunity and inclusion.

We had students experience how tough life could be in remote mountainous or poverty areas through engaging them in the transplanting and scavenging activities. A rubbish mountain was built with old newspaper and used papers for students to get the feeling of finding usable and valuable goods in it.

We want students to understand that there should be no unjustified discrimination. Watching the schools’ English play called ‘Angels with broken wings’ and meeting a feet painter and a harmonics team with members aged over sixty-five helped students understand working effectively with diversity is an essential part in a society of equals.

The Global Goals Award: Grade 2

The Most Participative Organisation Award: Grade 1

Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Division


  • To promote global unity and intercultural cooperation among students
  • To encourage students to take specific actions to reduce conflict and violence around them.

Our School has organized three activities echoing the International Day of Peace from 28-30 September 2016.

First, students learned about the International Day of Peace through the morning assembly sharing and promised to be a peaceful person by signing the pledge.

Thereafter, students enjoyed the lunch movie show and learned some peaceful ways to solve problems.

Finally, students learned how to make paper cranes in the Origami Workshop. They then spread the message of peace to the others by sending out their cranes or teaching them how to make paper cranes.

Through these activities, we believe students could acquire the message of peace and take actions to reduce conflicts around them.

The Global Goals Award: Grade 3

The Most Participative Organisation Award: Grade 3

Hong Kong Tang King Po College

In response to the International Day of Peace on 21st September, our school has organized a series of activities. That day, we had a special prayer for world peace.

On 23rd September, a teacher told a story related to that topic to our students. Besides, we held a lunch concert the same day to get the message of peace across to our students.

On 30th September, we organized a ‘Love, Peace, Joy’ sharing programme. In this programme, there was a Bible Reading competition, in which students could read and listen to Biblical verses which are related to sustainable development and peace. Students also watched a video about different winners of the Nobel Prize for Peace such as Malala Yousafzai, Mother Theresa, Aung San Suu Kyi, Liu Xiaobo and Nelson Mandela, so that they could learn from their contribution to values such as human rights, peace, justice and non-violence. Afterwards, they wrote a response to the video.

Finally, in September, we invited Amnesty International to give a talk on capital punishment. and Bravo Theatre, to give a performance on equality in love.

The Most Creative Award: Grade 2

Parsons Music Academy

“Parsons Music Academy” is committed to develop arts education for many years, and to promote the message of peace and love. Recently, our students created art work theme on peace, danced in charity events, performed Beyond’s Amani by Parsons Choir and share music in hospitals by Parsons Volunteer Group. Through different art forms, our students spread the message of peace and love to everyone in society.

The Most Participative Organisation Award: Grade 1

Fukien Secondary School Affiliated School

Fukien Secondary School Affiliated School promoted the message of “peace” to the whole school during morning assembly. Students were asked how “peace” could be achieved. Students have been taught to “Think Win Win” and “Seek first to understand, then to be understood” often in class. Then every student went home and designed a bookmark with the theme of world peace. The best bookmarks are displayed in the school.

The Most Participative Organisation Award: Grade 1

S.K.H. Ma On Shan Holy Spirit Primary School

There are different legends about Orizuru(folded paper crane). People believe that if you make folded paper cranes, you will be granted eternal good luck and peace. Therefore, all of our students and teachers worked together on 30th September. During the extra-curricular lesson, we folded more than 800 origami cranes. We designed and decorated 25 display boards with those origami cranes. Hope that we can show our deepest blessing for the world peace!

The Most Participative Organisation Award: Grade 1

St. Paul’s Secondary School

All Form 1-6 students celebrated the United Nations International Day of Peace in the morning assembly. From the presentation of the Moral & Civic Education Team, they learned about the importance of fostering peace and harmony in the world. Form 4 students expressed the beauty of a war-free world on a bulletin board while Form 1 students participated in a “Join hands in peace” activity.

Other Participated Schools

Discovery Mind Primary School

Discovery Mind Primary School (DMPS) in Hong Kong, has been an energetic supporter of World Peace Day since 2012.

Over the years, we have engaged with the pupils on topical issues: from children’s rights, the refugee crisis and this year the UN”s 17 sustainable goals. Running through each program is the theme of both educating and empowering children to make the right choices about their lives and that of the community but also making it memorable and fun! To ensure that latter, we always dress up in 1970s ‘peace, love and harmony’ styled clothes.

This year, 220 children across campuses in Discovery Bay and Tung Chung took part in a project to consider their “building blocks for peace” and they constructed peace pillars from recyclables.

Discovery Mind Kindergarten

In K1, we learnt about what peace was. We learnt that peace is to be kind to one another and to always take care of others. We then looked at the symbol for peace and made a peace colouring.

During a class discussion, K3 children came up with the following definitions of peace: being a good friend, no fighting or arguing, being calm, feeling safe, and being able to sleep at night. Children then volunteered to use their bodies to create the word ‘PEACE’ to celebrate ‘International Peace Day’.

St. Catharine’s School For Girls

Form 6 students of St. Cat. lined up to compose “PEACE”. The colourful house tees and the hands-on-shoulders gesture represent connection and harmony. 

Certain Form 3 students of St. Cat. have joined a Moral and Civic Education activity at Red Cross Headquarter – War Zone 90. After the experience, they brought back the message of the importance of peace and the relief work they can participate to their counterparts.

SKH Lui Ming Choi Memorial Primary School

Our school believes that education plays a key role in promoting the message of peace around the world.  In order to teach students to understand that mediation is an alternative way towards a resolution.  A seminar about mediation for primary students was held on 21st September, 2016.  We hope that students can grasp the techniques to deal with conflicts as they are the individuals who can help to create a harmonious environment within the school.

S.K.H. St.James’ Primary School

In response to the United Nations International Day of Peace, our school held ‘My Prayer – Pray for World Peace’, ‘Peace and Love Singing Appreciation’, ‘Spelling Out Peace and Love Inter-class Competition’ and ‘Peace Poster Design Competition’. Prayers and works of students expressed a peaceful message, the results are perfectly satisfactory.

S.K.H. Crown of Thorns Church Sadick Kindergarten

We are all unique and should respect each other. The children dressed up as children from different parts of the world and hold each other’s hand to spread the message of peace, love, friendship and harmony to the community.

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