Goal 3 - Good health and wellbeing

2022年3月5日,「第十屆 聯合國可持續發展教育學程計劃(ESD LEARNING PROGRAM )」中學組 – 目標3:良好健康與福祉 課題小組 進行了線上「認識精神健康」工作坊。


2022年4月7日,「第十屆 聯合國可持續發展教育學程計劃(ESD LEARNING PROGRAM )」中學組 – 目標3:良好健康與福祉 課題小組 進行了線上「復元人士故事分享會」。精神健康是可持續發展必不可少的,在今次分享會中,同學們積極發問,從復原人士親身經歷了解了包容精神疾病患者的重要性,我們的社會更是需要給予復元人士更多的關注和認可。

Goal 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities


2022年4月8日,第十屆 聯合國可持續發展教育學程計劃(ESD LEARNING PROGRAM )」中學組 – 目標11:可持續城市與社區 課題小組 進行了線上工作坊。在第一部分中,來自大館的線上導賞團隊帶同學們探索了大館的歷史、保育過程、保育活化原則等,激發同學思考大館保育帶來的社會、文化、經濟、環境可持續發展價值。隨後的第二部分中,可持續發展教育學程總監、香港理工大學社會創新設計院創院總監及中環街市總策展人葉長安設計師與同學分享了諸多有趣的創新活化案例和他參與中環街市活化項目的心得,幫助同學完成他們的參與學程計劃需要設計的創新解決方案。


Goal 12: Responsible Consumption & Production

On April 11th, Students that selected Goal 12 as their theme for ESD learning Programme has completed their first workshop. The first part of the workshop was an online tour to Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change located in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Tour Guides from CUHK took the students to a Virtual Reality online tour of the museum, explaining how had climate change affected the ecosystem and especially animals in the polar regions, as well as elaborating on the causes of climate change and how has research progress helped us to solve various climate challenges. 

In the second part of the workshop, Dr. Tamara Savelyeva, one of the Programme Directors of the ESD Learning Programme, delivered a workshop on how our consuming behaviours play a part in climate change. Students also used online ecological footprint calculation tools to get an idea of what is their “eco-footprint” and became more aware of the impact of human consumption on the planet. 

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