
On July 22, 2023, the “Second International Model UNESCO Conference” was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and the delegation from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China won the “Best Delegation” award for two consecutive years.


最佳代表團是「模擬聯合國教科文組織大會」的最高獎項,本屆大會以 “世界遺產” 為主題,兩位香港代表團青年的提案為「活化中區」,圍繞中區各活化建築展現 現代與歷史的邂逅、東西方和諧、奏出文化保育交響曲。在經歷了大會流程各個環節應對後,最終能夠獲得各國代表團的讚賞與投票,蟬聯「最佳代表團」。

The best delegation is the highest award of the “Model UNESCO Conference”. The theme of this conference is “World Heritage”. The proposal of two youths from the delegation of HKSAR is “Revitalized Central District”. The proposal focused on the revitalized buildings in the Central District, demonstrating “modern meets history, east and west harmony, a culture conservation symphony”. After going through the presentation, discussion and the voting,  the proposal was able to win the appreciation and votes of the delegations from all over the world, and won the “Best Delegation” award.

中國香港特別行政區代表團由香港聯合國教科文組織協會青年事務統籌陳思樺(Americana Chen)和 「2023 香港中學模擬聯合國教科文組織大會 – 氣候可持續性」中最佳講者獲獎學生李旻駿 (Sky Lee)兩位組成 ,並感謝中國銀行(香港)贊助行程。

The youths representing the delegation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China are Americana Chen, the youth affairs coordinator of the UNESCO Hong Kong Association, and Sky Lee, the winner of the best speaker award in the “2023 Hong Kong Secondary School Model UNESCO Conference on Climate Sustainability”. Special appreciation is given to the Bank of China (Hong Kong) for sponsoring the trip.


Thanks to the efforts of the two youth delegations, young people from different countries in the world were able to learn more about the achievements of Hong Kong’s heritage conservation. Although Hong Kong has not yet been included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List, the continuous efforts of all stakeholders have won several awards for heritage conservation in the Asia-Pacific region. In this Model UNESCO Conference, the youth integrated the architectural conservation of several heritage buildings in the Central District and proposed it as one single site to demonstrate its unique value of cultural heritage conservation.

青年代表陳思樺(Americana Chen)將撰寫的「Hi 17SDGs: 新常態中尋可持續發展之道」贈予 Ms. Elina Maltseva – 哈薩克斯坦聯合國教科文組織世界遺產國家委員會委員

Youth Representative – Americana Chen present her book “Hi 17 SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals in the Dynamic World” to Ms. Elina Maltseva, member of the Kazakhstan’s National Committee for UNESCO World Heritage

聯合國教科文組織官方新聞 UNESCO Official Press Release:https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/youth-20-countries-world-discussed-unesco-world-heritage-sites-almaty

【中銀香港冠名贊助 | 香港聯合國教科文組織 | 2023 香港 – 大灣區 中學模擬聯合國教科文組織大會 (MUNESCO) – 世界遺產 】響應國際大會主題,將在今年11月於香港舉辦,為香港及大灣區中學生帶來獨特思辯體驗,開闊國際視野,培養未來跨領域人才。獲中銀香港冠名贊助,本次大會將豁免報名費。

報名及詳情: https://unesco.hk/web/munesco-conference-heritage/

2023 [BOCHK | UNESCO HK] HK- GBA Secondary School Model UNESCO Conference on World Heritage will be held in Hong Kong in November, the conference is now calling for secondary school students from Hong Kong and the GBA to register.

More details and registration: https://unesco.hk/web/munesco-conference-heritage


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