The delegation of Hong Kong, China voted as the "Best Strategy" in the "Third International Model UNESCO Conference"

On August 13, 2024, “Third International Model UNESCO Conference (the Conference)” was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, by the World Federation of Clubs and Associations for UNESCO on the topic of “Ethics of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Education”. The delegation from Hong Kong, China, sent by the UNESCO Hong Kong Association (UHKA), shared Hong Kong’s strategy and initiated active discussions with 58 youth delegations from around the globe. The strategy from Hong Kong, China was highly appraised by global youth delegates and expert judges, and was voted as the Best Strategy to be included in the final resolution. 


The youth delegate Charles Lam Tai Yin represented the delegation of Hong Kong, China, with the guidance from the Youth Affairs Coordinator of UHKA, Americana Chen. Charles was the winner of the best delegation and best strategy in Model UNESCO Conferences hosted by the UHKA in 2023 and 2024. Charles is also a student of St. Paul’s College, a UNESCO Hong Kong Association member school. We extend special gratitude to the Bank of China (Hong Kong) for their sponsorship of the trip.

本次中國香港代表團由協會青年事務統籌陳思樺 Americana 帶領青年代表林泰然 Charles參與大會。Charles是香港聯合國教科文組織協會在2023-24年舉辦的「模擬聯合國教科文組織大會」中最佳代表團獎及最佳策略的獲得者,就讀於香港聯合國教科文組織協會成員學校 – 聖保羅書院。本次行程亦特別感謝中國銀行(香港)的贊助。

During the conference, Charles shared Hong Kong’s progress and innovation in amplifying the opportunities that AI presents for education through the “Innovate, Educate, Elevate” strategy. The strategy also aligns with the “Youth Prospect on the Use of AI in Education” published on the International Youth Day as a collaborative outcome document of the “2024 Secondary School Model UNESCO (MUNESCO) International Conference—Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Education,” held in Hong Kong in July 2024. 

會議期間,Charles 分享了香港在透過「創新、教育、提升」(“Innovate, Educate, Elevate”)策略擴大人工智慧為教育帶來的機遇方面所取得的進展和創新。該策略與協會在聯合國國際青年日發布的「2024年中學模擬聯合國教科文組織國際大會(MUNESCO) – 人工智能與教育」成果文件「人工智能與教育 青年展望」相契合。

By participating in the conference, the UHKA is delighted to contribute to international youth conversation in promoting the ethical use of AI in education and promoting the Sustainable Development Goals. 


On behalf of the UHKA, Americana Chen, the youth affairs coordinator of the UHKA presented the UN Global Compact Hong Kong Regional Report 2022–23 to Ms. Meirgul Alpysbayeva, National Professional Officer for Education Sector, UNESCO Almaty Regional Office, and Dr. Sabina Akzharova, Vice President for Communications and International Cooperation of the Kazakhstan National Federation of Clubs for UNESCO.

協會青年事務統籌Americana 代表協會將「聯合國全球契約組織 – 香港地區報告 2022-23」贈予 聯合國教科文組織阿拉木圖辦事處教育專員 Meirgul Alpysbayeva女士 以及 哈薩克斯坦聯合國教科文組織全國委員會傳播和國際合作副總監Sabina Akzharova 博士。


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